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central provident fund in singapore the central provident fund cpf is a pulsory prehensive savings plan for working singaporeans and permanent residents primarily to fund their retirement healthcare and housing needs the cpf is an employment based savings scheme with employers and employees contributing a mandated amount to the fund it is administered by the central provident fund board a statutory public provident fund india the public provident fund is a savings cum tax saving instrument in india introduced by the national savings institute of the ministry of finance in 1968 the aim of the scheme is to mobilize small savings by offering an investment with reasonable returns bined with in e tax benefits the scheme is fully guaranteed by the central government provident fund applicability and types indiafilings provident fund is a welfare scheme for the benefit of the employees under this scheme a certain sum is detected by the employer from the employee s salary as his contribution to the provident fund every month the employer also contributes a certain percentage of the salary of the employee to the provident fund provident fund pf and voluntary provident fund vpf provident fund pf and voluntary pf vpf are two investment avenues that most salaried people invariably encounter this article explains what pf is and also talks about voluntary contributions to the pf account national pension & provident fund in line with rma’s notification on the 3rd revision of mlr from 6 to 6 dated august 03 2017 the national pension and provident fund nppf would like to inform that there is no change in the interest rates for member loan products